Welcome to Smokey Grill BBQ we are SO excited and honored to have you as a reader!
Our Team
Our team at Smokey Grill BBQ has an extreme love and passion for backyard barbeques! We’ve been all over the country tasting and reviewing some of the most famous places to eat barbecue. Including places like Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, and many more.
We have gained so much experience and knowledge talking with some of the best pitmasters, smokers, and grillers in the country. The best part about barbeque is that it’s an art and everyone does it a little differently, that’s what makes it fun!
Our Mission
It’s our mission and passion at Smokey Grill BBQ is to help you make the best purchase decisions your hard-earned money can buy.
What We Do
We research each product thoroughly and then have writers who are knowledgeable and subject matter experts write the product reviews. We do receive an affiliate commission if you choose to use our link to purchase a product we review.
After we publish an article, our team stays on top of information related to and continuously updates our recommendations. We keep a close eye on the latest and greatest in the barbeque world including new grills, smokers, recipes, and accessories.
Our recommended products span a wide range of prices, and we are not loyal to one specific retailer or brand. We make it a point to source recommendations from reliable companies who deliver exemplary customer service, so you can have an easy shopping experience.
Why You Should Trust Us
The Smokey Grill BBQ strives to provide unbiased product recommendations. Occasionally, brands or public relations companies will send us products for editorial consideration. However, our thoughts and opinions are strictly our own. We never promise coverage nor let retailers, PR firms, or salespeople dictate the content on the Smokey Grill BBQ blog. Instead, we do all the heavy lifting ourselves by researching products, asking the right questions, and reporting back to you.
How We Test Our Products
We research our products in just the same way you would use them day in and day out. When possible, we send testers each product to conduct a thorough investigation into how they work before selecting which are advertised on our website.
When we test products we spend weeks and months evaluating different products before ranking them on our site. Testing out three to five products in the same category helps us make comparisons, which gives you the most accurate feedback possible.
We also have a rating system for each product on a scale of 1 to 10 for a variety of different factors like design, user experience, reliability, customer service, etc and then we calculate an overall rating.
We tailor our ratings to each category and never use a one-size-fits-all evaluation method. For instance, we rate grills on their assembly process and heat control, but smokers are evaluated based on ease of use, type of power, etc.
You can find our honest feedback both under each product’s description and in the general review section. You’ll see an overall rating, pros, and cons, and (when applicable) experiences directly from our reviewers for each product.
Our goal is to provide you with the most unbiased feedback and review that we can to help you make the best purchase decision possible.
Editorial Guidelines
At the Smokey Grill BBQ, we take extreme pride in the quality of our content. Our writers and editor work closely together to create original, accurate, engaging content that is free of any type of ethical concerns or conflicts. If you ever come across an article that you think needs to be improved or corrected, please reach out by emailing [email protected].
Product Reviews
Our product reviews are independent, unbiased, and based on research and product testing. When you click a link within our content, we may receive commissions if you end up making a purchase, but we never receive any compensation or consideration for the content of our recommendations.