How To Know If Steak Is Bad: 10 Signs Your Steak Is Spoiled

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How to know if steak is bad? Read on to learn 10 tell-tale signs that your steak is spoiled. There are quite a few things to look for when determining whether or not your steak is not healthy to consume.

If you are like most people, you enjoy a good steak every now and then. However, if you have ever had a bad steak, you know that it can ruin your day. In this blog post, we will explore some of those things. So, how do you know if you have spoiled steak? Let’s find out!

10 Tell-Tale Signs Your Steak Is Spoiled

There are a few things that you can check to decide if you have a spoiled steak or not. The following are ten signs that you might be using spoiled steak:

10 Signs Your Steak Is Spoiled

1. Steak Is Out Of Date

The first thing that you can check is the date. It is always good to make sure that the steak isn’t out of date. Although steak can be good past the sell-by date, it will probably not be good for you if you have left it in the fridge for more than a few days after that. If you have, throw it away before you get sick!

2. Steak Is Slimy Or Wet Looking

Suppose your steak looks slimy or wet, then you should definitely not eat it! This is usually an indication of bacterial growth on your steak, which means that there are dangerous toxins inside of it now, and you don’t want those in your body.

3. Steak Is Growing Mold

If you see mold on your steak, you should also throw it out. Mold is not good for you at all, and if you eat it, it can make you very sick. It is probably best to just throw it away and get a new steak than to risk getting sick because of something that you could have prevented by throwing it out before the mold started growing.

4. Discolored Meat

Discolored Meat Is A Sign Your Steak Is Spoiled

It’s important to check whether or not there is discoloration in your steak. If it shows any strange discoloration, it might signify that the steak is bad. Even if the color is not off, you should check for weird markings on your steak. If you see anything like this, you should definitely throw it out.

5. Steak Smells Bad

One of the most common ways to distinguish between a good and a bad steak is the smell. If it smells funny or like something other than fresh raw beef, then there is a good chance that it has gone bad. There are some cases where this might be okay, for example if you are cooking with dry-aged steak, but that’s not generally carried by the supermarket.

In most cases, if it smells funny when raw or funny when you cook it, then there is a good chance that it has gone bad, and you should throw it out.

One of the most common ways to distinguish between a good and a bad steak is the smell

6. Cooked Steak Looks Slimy

Another one of the main signs that your steak might have gone bad is if it looks slimy when cooked. This can be caused by food poisoning and will make eating beef extremely unpleasant and dangerous to your health. You will want to avoid consuming this steak at all costs.

7. Mushy Steak

If the steak seems mushy, then it has definitely gone bad. It should be firm and have a little bounce when you poke it with a finger. If you poke it and the steak gives way, there is a good chance it is a bad steak and shouldn’t be eaten.

8. Smell Of Ammonia

You should also check for the smell of ammonia when you are cooking your steak. If you smell this, this could be a sign of bacteria growing within the meat and can make you sick if eaten. You will want to throw away any steaks that smell like this since it’s not for your health.

9. Fuzzy Texture On Outside Of Steak

You will want to check the texture of the outside of your steak and how it feels when cooked. If there are any fuzzies or strange textures on the outside, then there is a good chance that your steak has spoilt. Just toss it.

10. Sour Odor From Cooking Meat

A final thing that you can look for when trying to tell if the steak is bad is whether or not there was an unpleasant odor coming from it while being cooked. This could mean something wrong with the meat before even cooking, and it should be thrown out.

Cooking Steak

How Long Can Steak Stay In The Fridge?

This is another common question that twins with how to know if steak is bad. The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as the type of meat and how you store it. It’s a common misconception that steak will go bad if you leave it in the fridge for too long.

This is not true. Well-wrapped steak can be left safely in your refrigerator for up to two weeks, while one should eat cuts of chicken within a week. This applies to pulled pork as well.

The meat will start to dry out if left in the fridge for too long, but it won’t actually go bad until there’s an infestation of mold or bacteria – or until something else has gone wrong with it.

However, if you’re unsure whether your meat is still good, use your senses: it should look fresh, smell fresh and feel firm when touched. If anything changes (the meat goes off, has a funny smell, or feels soft), then throw it away immediately!

Raw Steak

Raw Steak In Butcher Paper

Raw steak typically lasts anywhere from 3 to 5 days in the fridge. However, this all depends on how it has been stored and how fresh it was, to begin with.

If you’re not sure how long your raw steak has been in the fridge, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and throw it out. Better safe than sorry!

Cooked Steak

Cooked Medium Rare Steak

The general rule of thumb is that cooked steak will last in the fridge for 3-4 days and in the freezer for 2-6 months.

However, it’s best to use your best judgment when it comes to determining whether or not a particular piece of cooked steak is still safe to eat. If in doubt, throw it out!

What Are The Risks of Eating A Spoiled Steak?

As stated above, bacteria is the biggest risk if you eat bad steak. If you get sick you eat spoiled steak, you will need to deal with food poisoning, which can be very dangerous. The symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting and diarrhea that can lead to dehydration.

If this happens to you, you will want to drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, and try not to exert yourself too much as this could worsen your symptoms. The worst thing that can happen from consuming bad meat is death! This is obviously extremely rare, but suppose the raw steak has gone bad, there’s a good chance it contains a type of bacteria called Listeria.

This can be very dangerous for pregnant women and anyone with a weak immune system or health condition such as cancer, so if this applies to you, then it’s best not to take any risks and throw the meat out!

FAQs On How To Tell If Steak Is Bad:

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Tell If Steak Has Gone Bad

How long can you freeze a fresh steak?

It’s best to freeze steak as soon as you get it home from the grocery store. This is because the quality of the meat starts to decline as soon as it’s exposed to air.

Ideally, frozen steak can last for up to 6 months. However, if you defrost and refreeze the fresh steak multiple times, that will reduce the quality and lifespan of the steak. So it’s best to only freeze a steak once.

Can I refrigerate thawed steak?

Yes, you can refrigerate thawed steak. In fact, it’s often recommended that you do so. After all, fresh meat is something that should be kept cold so as to minimize the risk of food poisoning.

That said, there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re going to refrigerate thawed steak. First, make sure to date and label the steak fresh so that you know how long it’s been in the fridge. Second, try to eat it within a day or two of being thawed – the longer it sits in the fridge, the more likely it is to start developing bacteria.

Finally, make sure not to freeze it again after it’s been thawed.

What kind of wrappers are best for freezing steak?

As far as frozen steak goes, there are a couple of different approaches you can take. You can either wrap it in freezer paper, or you can vacuum seal it. Both have their pros and cons, so ultimately it comes down to personal preference.

Freezer paper is your more traditional option. It surrounds the steak with a layer of protection from freezer burn and does a decent job of preserving the quality of the fresh red meat. The downside is that it doesn’t provide a very tight seal, so air can still get in and cause some dehydration.

Vacuum sealing is a more modern approach and one that delivers better results in terms of quality preservation. It essentially removes all the air from around the steak, keeping it as fresh as possible.

What causes steak to change color?

When you cook a steak, the process of denaturation begins. This is when the heat causes the proteins in the meat to unravel and tighten, resulting in a loss of moisture. As the steak loses moisture, it also changes color; this is because the blood and other fluids are being drawn to the surface of the meat.

The main reason that steak changes color when cooked is due to the denaturing of myoglobin. Myoglobin is what makes a steak red, not blood as is commonly thought. When myoglobin is heated, it changes color and causes the steak to turn from red to brown.

How long can steak stay in the fridge?

The best way to store steak is in the refrigerator. Steak can last anywhere from 2-6 days in the fridge, depending on how it was prepared and how fresh it is.

What are the best ways to reheat thawed steak?

There are a few different ways to reheat thawed steak, but the best way is probably either pan-frying or grilling.

If you pan-fry it, make sure to heat the pan up first before adding oil. Then add the steak and cook until it’s browned on both sides and reaches the desired level of doneness. If you grill it, preheat your grill before adding the steak, and then cook it until it’s browned on both sides and reaches the desired level of doneness.

Is the “sell-by” date the same as the “use-by” date?

No, actually the two terms have very different meanings.

The “sell-by” date is determined by the manufacturer and is the last day that the grocery store can sell the product. After the “sell-by” date, you may still be able to use the product for some time, but not as long as if you had purchased it before that date.

The “use-by” date, on the other hand, is determined by when the food will no longer be safe to eat. This date should not be confused with how long your food will taste good–the food may lose its flavor or texture before the spoiled meat becomes dangerous.

Can I eat steak that has passed the use-by date?

It’s not recommended. A “use by” date is a mandatory label given to food that has been determined by a food scientist to have a shelf life of no more than 10 days after it has left the factory.

After this date, the quality of the meat may start to deteriorate, even if it has been frozen. The taste and texture will also start to change, and there is an increased risk of food poisoning.

How long can tuna steak last in the fridge?

Tuna steak can last up to three days in the fridge before it begins to spoil. If you’re not planning on eating steak within that time frame, you can freeze tuna steak for up to six months.

When it comes to thawing frozen steaks, always do so in the fridge overnight or under cold running water. And be sure to cook frozen tuna steak within 24 hours of thawing.

Closing Thoughts

So, what are the telltale signs that your raw steak has gone bad? Well, if it smells rank or sour, is slimy to the touch, or has a greenish hue, it’s probably time to chuck it.

But if in doubt, just cut into the meat and have a look. If there’s any visible mold growing on or around it, then you should definitely discard the steak. With these tips in mind, you can confidently cook up a juicy piece of delicious steak without having to worry about whether or not it’s spoiled.

Picture of Bobby Pritchard

Bobby Pritchard

Founder of Smokey Grill BBQ, father of 2 picky kids, lover of all traditional BBQ and accompanying side dishes. With my family history of heart attacks, I'm reducing my red meat (without eliminating it) and old-school barbecue to add more veggies and fruits to my diet. So, why not smoke and grill ALL the fresh ingredients for some healthy variety?!

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